Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Baby's first picture!!

We've just returned from our first ultrasound. The Ultrasound tech said that we're off to a great start. All the measurements are as expected and the "development" process is right on schedule (ie. the formation of the skull had just started, which is in line with being approx. 7 weeks pregnant). We even saw the heartbeat today!! This was an unexpected blessing that we weren't expecting for another couple of weeks.
So, officially, tomorrow is 8 weeks. Our next appointment is Tues, June 16th.

Here's our baby's first picture.

Our due date is now Jan 7, 2010. We were previously thinking it would be in February.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just Beautiful! Congratulations! You are all in our prayers.
Much love, Udella and Mark